Wednesday, May 13, 2009


the end is getting closer. this became apparent today amid discussions of to-do lists and detail loops needing to be closed within weeks. his already-fleeting attention span slipped another notch and i could tell that in the halls of his mind he's already thousands of miles away with his family and belongings. he mentioned decreasing the number of hours our sessions contain and as his scattered thoughts perforated the air i tried to push away the weighty sense of failure nudging my insides. i know in my mind the concept of failure is, to begin with, a relative one anyway...but i cannot escape the feeling that i haven't affected the change i've been hoping for. lack of time, yes...lack of focus, certainly. but then the metered lines of poetry i've been able to share with him so far jump to the forefront and relief washes over every last one. because if a man who has only ever known the grease of broken air conditioners and stopped up plumbing systems is now able to recognize the thoughts of nikki giovanni at first glance, then change did come a'knockin afterall. maybe he'll be able to feel that too...and maybe, just maybe, he'll want to read on for more.

that will have to be enough now.


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