Sunday, May 31, 2009

seeping further

the soft spotlights waited over head, but had those been absent there would have been no need for them. where they sat, in a half-circle surrounded by stools and guitars of various types, whatever light present on that stage seemed to pour forth out of each of them into the open. much like the crisp, effortlessness that hung in the air from their breaths. they traded songs and anecdotal stories as if those of us sitting down below in our aligned rows weren't even there. individually they draw sold-out crowds of folksters, hippies, and the acutely sensitive; tonight, though, the focus was on the understood energy being passed back and forth and all places in between. periodically, heartfelt "mmm's" and whispered "damn's" escaped from those of us receiving the precious gift these four larger-than-life musicians extended, indications that no single moment or note of this evening would be lost on any of us there. the night was simple; and with it, i carried that warm, calm with me to let it seep further into the places it will.


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